Here are some pointers on how to get a great image when stamping:

  • Use a firm, flat surface to stamp on. The Stampin' Pierce Mat gives you even pressure and ink coverage.

TIP: The Stampin' Pierce Mat is a fabulous tool to have on hand if you use photopolymer stamps.

  • Lightly tap the stamp on your stamp pad and get a good all-over coverage of ink on the image.

TIP: If you have a large stamp or a small stamp pad, it may be easier to lay your stamp on the table and lightly tap the stamp pad across the surface.

  • Hold your stamp level and press it firmly onto the cardstock or paper. Don't rock or "mash" the stamp as this may transfer any ink you have on the back or edge of the stamp onto your cardstock or paper.
  • Hold your stamp on the cardstock or paper for a couple of seconds before lifting it, keeping the stamp level.
  • Depending on the ink you have used, you may need to leave the stamped image to dry for a few seconds or more.

Other things that can help ensure a well stamped image are:

  • Look after your stamps - they are an investment. Also keep your stamp pads in good condition and well inked.
  • Invest in good quality stamps. Stampin' Up! stamps are deeply etched, which means that you are less likely to transfer ink from the back or edge of the stamp into your cardstock or paper when stamping.
  • Use good quality stamp pads and card stock.
  • Use a stamp placement tool, like a Stamp-a-ma-jig, to ensure image are stamped straight and exactly where you want them to be.
  • Clean new stamps before use to remove any manufacturing residue.
  • Some people prefer to stamp sitting down, others standing up. Find what works for you.